Sunday, October 3, 2010

The flight......and more

Went amazing well for an 18 hour or so journey.  Max rocked his business seats and flirted with all of the flight attendents.  He didn't even have a melt down - not one - it was amazing.

Once we arrived in Manila there was a bit of chaos trying to collect all 7 pieces of luggage.  We met the guy who was supposed to help us with the dog (to get her cleared through customs) and he was like - where is the dog?  Well, we thought that he was supposed to get her.  After furiously looking around the airport baggage claim and asking a few people we realized that  her crate was sitting on top of the luggage carousel waiting to be picked up.  We get her down safely and then make it over to the car service.  We had a van and a car - really - two cars??  We could of all fit into the van, no problem.  I had Lars and Callie go in the car and Max and I went into the van.  Before you know it I see a man loading our luggage into the car and then picks Callie's crate up (with Callie in it) and proceeds to put it in the trunk!!!!  Of a CAR!!!  Can you believe it?  Needless to say, she ended up riding in the back seat with Lars.

We arrived at our temporary housing and I am not too thrilled with the accomodation.   I met with the relocation person today and we are going to try to change apartments.  We've had a few problems such as no hot water for two days, fan in the bathroom breaking, lights need to be changed in the kitchen and bedroom, etc.  Everything also feels a bit dirty, dusty....I cannot breathe and am always sneezing.  Hopefully the change will work out as we will most likely be here for two months.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Manila! I'd love to get together soon. Lots of toys at our place while you wait for yours to arrive. The dirt and dust sadly, is normal and will never go away. We walked around with black feet for much of the first two months until we hired household help (a reason people don't mention you need them-to mop the floors DAILY due to the pollution). Anyway, I hope thhe dust doesn't bother you too much. We don't notice it as much now-terrible but true.
