Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another one bites the dust........

Well, today I had to personally fire a helper for the first time.  Let me tell you, it's not fun.  To be honest it is a lot of work having a helper.  After working with three different people in one month I am tired.  I am really, really tired.   Some reasons why I am tired:

1. Nothing ever works and things are always breaking down (esp. in our apartment).

2. It's takes so long to get anything done.

3. Having a helper is like having a second child.  The straw that broke the camel's back today was when I had to tell the helper to go take a shower and get ready for the day after she was walking around in her PJ's and it was 8 30am.

4. I couldn't get through today to our driver after trying for an hour.  we had to wait, and wait, and wait (with Max who was hungry and tired), when in all actuality we were close enough to walk back to the apartment but it is almost impossible to cross the street with all of the traffic.

5. I ask for one thing but get another.  for example: I had time to get a pedicure today so i decided to treat myself.  all the girl did was repaint my toe nails.  I was confused and miffed b/c I need a good pedi in the worst way.  I asked why she was just painting my nails.  well, ma'am she explained 'you just asked for a pedicure.  you should of asked for a foot spa'.  now why in the world didn't someone tell me?  How in the f' am i supposed to know that i am to ask for a foot spa??  Then she kept commenting how dry me feet were and that they really need a foot spa.  I almost screamed.

6. I booked Callie for a grooming appointment and they just looked at me when i walked in with her
 No one there had ever groomed a Westie and they didn't know what to do with her.  They told me that I could wait until 12pm (our appt was at 10am) if i wanted someone who had groomed a Westie.  Well, why in the world wouldn't you have made the appt for 12pm instead of giving me a 10am appt with someone who doesn't know what they are doing (esp when I told them the breed of the dog)???

7. The Philippines is the third largest English speaking country in the world yet no one understands a bloody word that I say.

8. I eat dinner alone every night during the week and I miss my husband.

9. I have been through my third helper in one month.  That is insane.  I have an interview with another one on Saturday - wish me luck.

There should be a #10 but I can't think of anything else at the moment!

OH - I just thought of something.
10.  The place that we wanted to take Lars' parents for Christmas and a little holday is fully booked.  Of course it is fully booked, we should of looked into it when we first arrived.  

Thanks for listening to me vent.  Don't worry, don't feel bad/sad, etc, etc.  Everything IS fine and I AM okay - it's just been a rough day today.  We all have rough days and I know that tomorrow will be better.


  1. Hang in there honey!! It'll get easier Xx I'm 6 quick months away and then you can come and foot spa w me in Singapore and laugh about it then ;) Am here to Skype when you can. Mwah! X Em

  2. I feel for you in this post. This country can be so frustrating some times. They never understand you and you have to speak very slowly. The foot spa thing annoyed me too. So sorry about the helper thing you need to hire someone who comes recommended for sure. I'll ask around. We missed you and Max at the Halloween party Thursday! Don't worry, the bad days come and go. Hopefully things will get better. Oh and the groomers don't know how to do anything but basically use a electric shaver!!!
