Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Weekend!

It's so nice to have Lars all to ourselves!   We have had a great family weekend.
Saturday we went to Ocean Park.   We only looked at the fish (no pool, no water show, no sea animal shows) as we wanted to relax and enjoy ourselves.
It's so great to watch Max react to the fish.  He's becoming such a little man.  So active and observant.  We had fun just wandering around looking at the fish.

 Then we headed over to the Fish 'Spa' where you sit on the edge of a small pool and fish come and nibble the dead skin off of your feet.  What a crazy experience.  At first I was freaked out....could barely keep my feet in the water for more than a second.  Then after a few minutes you get used to it.  Totally a mind over matter situation.  The little guy next to me had no problem with it.


Even Lars tried it.  Can you see EVERYONE laughing at him (even the people looking in)!! 

Explanation of the doctor fish
 Afterwards we went out for a much needed lunch.  It was a fantastic place called Tai at Silk.  (Thanks for the recommendation Sarah!).  We got Max his mango although I am not sure why they included the HUGE knife - esp since it was for him.  Don't worry - we kept it far away from him.
 Max making the sign for more.  More mango.....more mango.......more mango........more mango.......
I am going to start calling him mango boy.

On a more serious note, we passed a lot of proverty on the way to Ocean Park.  I can't even begin to describe it.  It's always an eye opener.   Sometimes I forget how poor people are.  I ask our driver if he had ever been to Ocean Park (he has two children).  He said - "only the outside, ma'am".  Ugh I felt terrible.   Of course he has never been inside.  It's one of those things that didn't even cross my mind.  If he stays on with us -  for Christmas I am going to take him and his family to Ocean Park.  Here are some scenes from the ride there.  Only had my point and shoot camera so very blurry but you get the picture:

1 comment:

  1. glad you had fun! Mangoes are the best. Our girls love them too! So I've been crazy busy trying to get things sorted out for our trip this Friday. Heading to NZ. Let's meet up when we return!!!
