Sunday, November 14, 2010

People's Park/Tagaytay

This weekend we decided that we need to get out of Makati so we took the 1.5 - 2 hour car ride to People's Park and then to Sonya's Garden in Tagaytay.    People's Park is basically a look out point with a picnic area.  From reading reviews on the place it seems as if the place was built by Former President Ferdinand Marcos and his wife Imedla, for the purpose of receiving President Ronald Regan and the first Lady.  The visit was cancelled due to the problems that the Marcos faced at the time and the palace remains unfinished.  
The place is amazing but like most things in the Philippines - extremely run down.  All of the fixtures are falling apart and filled with rust.  It's a shame because it really is a beautiful look out point.  It was foggy on the day that we went but here are some photos:
Photo op by the giant pineapple

The View

It's so bizarre but people/kids really do want to take pictures with Max and his friends.


Playing in the pineapple

I love Filipino children.  They are so gorgeous and always willing to pose for photos.  I can't wait to get out on my own and take some proper shots.

 After People's Park we headed over to Sonya's garden for a peek of the place and to have lunch.  Lunch was great.  It was quiet with SOFT music playing (no loud techno music for once).  It was outdoors but in a tent of sorts with lots of fresh flowers and fresh food.  I wish that I would of taken a photo of the food.  It was family style/no menu and they brought out salad with fresh fruit/veggies/toppings.  Then for the main meal it was noodles with various toppings and salmon.  Very nice!  It was a nice relaxing lunch.  Even with the children, we all enjoyed it.

My little man is growing up so quickly

On the way home we saw a crazy thing.  A truck full of children.  It was seemed to be a giant cage with about 15 children in it cruising down the highway.  I almost had a heart attack.  Notice how it seems a little lopsided??  Ugh.  We asked our driver about it and he said that they were most likely coming back from a field trip (there is a zoo close by).  Now stick me in a metal cage, drive me down a heavily polluted highway, and top it all of by seeing a white woman taking pictures of me,  I would of screamed.  These children, once they noticed that I was taking a photo of them, got really (really) excited.  They waived to us the whole time we were behind them.  Click on the photo to get the full effect.


  1. Lindsey loved that pineapple so much. She cried when she had to leave it. :)

  2. oh dear, that's a worry!!!!! so no preschool field trips for max without mum hey!! yikes!
    Xx Em

  3. p.s. such a GORGEOUS photo of you and the boys up top X
