Thursday, November 11, 2010


In Switzerland Max went to daycare twice a week for the WHOLE day.  He started when he was around 6 months old and it was wonderful and it also saved my sanity.  Here in Manila they don't have daycare, they have nannies.  While nannies are a wonderful thing the child is still in the house.  The beauty of day care is that the childre are out of the house and can focus on other things and interact with other children.  It's important to me that my child learns how to play, share, and is around other nationalities.  The only thing that I could find here are a few schools that will do 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours per day.  It's such a small amount of time but at least it is something.  Luckily the one that I liked is the longest at 2 1/2 hours.

It's a really nice school with some green to it!  Here in Manila you don't really get outside that much.  Most activites are indoors at the malls.  I suppose that it is because of the weather but I really need to be outside at times and I want Max to be outside as well.....and poor Callie. Let's not even get started on that!  The school is clean and well maintained and it has a lot of aspects to it that I really like.

There is a field in the middle of the school - with grass!  AND the children run around and play on it!!  There were even children out there today playing soccer.  Amazing!!

There is a large sandbox area with plenty of toys.

There is a garden (imagine that - an actual garden!!) where children sow seeds, water the seeds, and watch them grow.  It teaches them responsibility and allows them witness the fruits of their work.

They have small animals that each group feeds.  Again, teaching about responsibility and life.

Max really enjoyed himself.  It's just a shame that the class isn't longer.  He did however come home and have a nice 3 hour nap.   We are going to have him go three days a week and then maybe when the new year starts we'll do 5 days.


  1. That looks like a really nice preschool! Lindsey would kill to have a sandbox at her preschool. And the garden is pretty sweet too.

  2. Wonderful school! I've heard great things about that one! Well done.
