Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Max has been sick and quarantined to the house this week.  It's been dreadful.  No school, no play dates, no outings.  You can tell that Max is mad and frustrated.  He hits me and pulls my hair every chance that he gets.  I think that he is really missing school and his friends and cannot understand why he has to stay at home.  Not to mention that we have been to the doctor's office three times this week and it's always a traumatic event.  He is terrified of doctors.....poor thing.

I try to keep him occupied.  I envy those creative, patient, moms that come up with a million different things to do with their child.  I am not one of those moms - no matter how hard I try.  We try to paint (then he throws the paint at me), we try playing with play dough (then he runs around the house defiantly eating the play dough), we try to play with Callie (and then he starts kicking her).   I tried taking him to the park this morning but he just screamed and cried.  I know that he is frustrated and bored.  Quite frankly, so am I.  Can anyone help??  Any recommendations out there for a craft book for young toddlers??  Rainy season is coming up and I am going to be SCREWED if I don't come up with some fun things to do in the house.

Here are some of the things that we did this week:

We had fun pressing the blocks on our bellies to see the indentation that it made.

Climbing ladders to help Terry and Zeny clean the air con units

We sniffed plastic flowers (yes, we were that bored)

We colored the blocks (who needs coloring books??).
I wonder if Max will be left or right handed??

See - he is sick.  He is calm and sitting down.  NOT natural for Max.  Also, a classic example how you should pay attention to your background when taking photos.  Da** ball.

We even managed to color in a coloring book!!
 (Interesting how he switched to the right hand)

Sometimes I even got a smile out of him!

The good thing is that Max is feeling better.  He's tired and grumpy a lot of the time but at least now he is back to eating/drinking normally.  The doctor has given us his blessing to let Max go back to school on Monday.  Whohoo!  :)


  1. Love the black and white photos! Charly still wants to know how Max's penis is doing :(

  2. pillow cushion jumping is always a hit, that and dance parties are always good fun. Good luck and I'm glad Max is on the mend.
