Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The first post of a new blog!

How exciting!  Now let's see if I can actually keep up with this blog...

Well, our move is scheduled for the 30th of Sept.  That's only 2 1/2 weeks away.  So much sorting, selling, and packing to get done.  Even though everything is going to be done for us - there is still so much to do.
I have decided to start keeping a blog to update all of our family and friends on our adventures.  I am so excited about our move to the Philippines.  I cannot wait to explore Southeast Asia.

I have been a bit reflective lately, thinking about Switzerland and our time here.  I think that there are certain things that I will miss and some things that I won't.

Things that I will miss:

1. My friends

2. Max will miss his play buddies as will I.

3. The mountains/skiing.
4. Clean air, clean streets, clean (nice!) parks.  Switzerland is a very safe country
5. I can walk to get all of our necessities if need be.
6. Our view.

7. People watching and window shopping in Geneva.
8. I will miss France.  I love France - every aspect of it, every area - from Paris to the Cote d'azur.  I list this under my Switzerland miss list because we have spent more time traveling and exploring France than Switzerland.
9. The location of Switzerland is fantastic for traveling around Europe.
10.  Kir Royals!

Things that I will not miss:
1. The Swiss!!! (except for a few select people)
2. The Swiss are so child unfriendly
3. The exorbitant price of EVERYTHING
4. The stupid Swiss rules.
5. The way that the retail workers follow you around fold/rearranging any item of clothing that you might touch.
6. REALLY bad customer service.
7. Glares if there is any loud laughing or children making noise.
8. Store hours.  Stores are more likely to be closed than open.
9. Terrible drivers.
10. Filet de perche.  Yuck.

I am sure that I will appreciate Switzerland once we leave but for now I am really looking forward to a change of scenery!

1 comment:

  1. You hit it right on the head about the things not to be missed in the land of cheese!!!! Cherished friendships are however the best thing about that place:)
